
Tuition 2024-2025

Facts Tuition Management  handles the St. Michael School tuition collection. Parents are able to access their accounts through the web site.

St. Michael Parishioner or Parishioner of the Holy Cross Community 

1 child  $4,715.00
2 children  $9,280.00
3 children  $13,845.00
4 children  $18,410.00

 Non-Parishioner & Non-Catholic 

1 child  $5,465.00
2 children  $10,780.00
3 children  $16,095.00
4 children  $21,410.00

 Pre-Kindergarten Program

Full Day  $5,645.00
Half Day  $4,645.00


Registration Fee 
A non-refundable registration fee of $250.00 is charged per student. This deposit is not an additional fee, but will be deducted from tuition. Please include this fee when sending in the student registration form.

Tuition Schedule

Parishioners of the Holy Cross Community 
Parishioners of the Holy Cross Community are offered a reduced rate tuition (see above) provided that they are practicing Catholics formally registered in one of the parishes of the Holy Cross Community (St. Michael Church, St. Mary Church, St. Patrick Church or St. Thomas More Church) and contribute a minimum $8.00 per week to the weekly offertory by envelope, check or EFT. These conditions must be met for one full year in order to qualify for the parishioner rate. Catholics who do not meet these requirements will be charged the Non-Parishioner rate.

Non-Parishioners & Non-Catholics
Catholics who belong to parishes other than those of the Holy Cross Community are charged the tuition rate for Non-Parishioner outlined above. In the Diocese of Norwich, Catholic parishes without a parish elementary school are required to subsidize the education of each parishioner attending a Catholic school in the amount of $1,000 per child, $750 of which is applied to tuition payment. In order to receive this tuition assistance you must have your pastor sign the green Parish Affiliation Form and return it to St. Michael School. The school will bill your parish and the payment will be credited to your account.

In some cases, non-Catholics have received assistance from their own churches, so you may want to inquire as to whether your church will assist you by subsidizing tuition. If this is the case, then please fill out the Parish Affiliation Form and return it to St. Michael School. Any payments received from your church will be credited to your account. 

Payment Plans

Option 1 – Full Payment 
Under this payment plan, tuition is due in full by July 1st.  A 3 percent discount is given for full payment by July 1st.

Option 2- Semester Payments 
Under this payment plan, tuition is paid through the FACTS Tuition Payment Plan in two equal installments. The first is due July 1st and the second by January 1st.

Option 3 – Monthly Payments 
Under this payment plan, tuition is paid through the FACTS Tuition Payment Plan. Tuition is paid in ten (10) equal monthly installments paid July through April. Payment dates are the 5th or 20th of each month. Please refer to the FACTS brochure for more information.


Tuition Policies Brochure 2024-2025