Preparation for both of these sacraments takes place during the second grade. If you are not parishioners of St. Michael’s, but attend Mass in another Catholic Church, your child is welcome to participate in First Reconciliation and First Communion here. However, please be sure to speak to your own pastor about this. If your child transfers into St. Michael School in the second grade, or is in a higher grade and has not prepared for either sacrament, please notify your child’s teacher as soon as possible.
First Reconciliation usually takes place during Lent. Parents are encouraged to set an example for their children by participating in this sacrament themselves, when their son/daughter goes to confession for the first time. If you have been away from this sacrament for awhile or are not sure how to approach confession, please feel free to speak to the parish priest, as he will be very happy to answer any questions or to allay any concerns you may have. You will receive a letter from the Director of Religious Education (DRE) in January indicating several dates for First Reconciliation. Be sure to return the paperwork as soon as possible. Upon receipt of this form the DRE will contact you by phone with confirmation of your child’s reconciliation date.
First Holy Communion at St. Michael School is traditionally celebrated during the Easter season (late April – early May). The excitement and enthusiasm that children often display in anticipation for their First Holy Communion is perhaps an invitation for all of us to discover anew and reflect upon the wonder and awe of God’s gift to us in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Just as your children will be diligently preparing for the sacrament, so should all of us be examining our own readiness to receive this most holy sacrament. The church stresses regular confession as an important element in the lives of those who frequently receive holy communion. Also, parents whose marriage has taken place outside the church without the requisite dispensations are encouraged to take steps to have their marriage blessed in the church. Your parish priest will assist you in this regard.
Confirmation is regarded as the perfection of Baptism, because the baptized are enriched and sealed with the special strength of the Holy Spirit.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated with our fellow parishes of the Holy Cross Community at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich during the month of May. Confirmation is usually celebrated in Grade 9.
St. Michael alumni who are seeking to be confirmed are required to attend a sacramental preparation class which is held in March. A copy of the candidate’s baptismal certificate is required if he or she was not baptized at St. Michael Church. Those seeking to be confirmed must also choose a sponsor for Confirmation, someone who leads a good Christian life and is a good role model.
Contact Crystal Wilcox, Director of Religious Education, at 860-599-5580 with any questions.
St. Michael School, a ministry of the Catholic Churches of Stonington and North Stonington, is committed to engaging students in a program of Christian formation characterized by a challenging and enriching Catholic Classical Curriculum in a nurturing environment.
Gratis Accepistis, Gratis Date. “Freely you have received, freely you are to give.”